What is My Betway Account Number?

Javia Alex
Viewed 587 times
Betway account number

A Betway account number is a multi-digit personal reference code. We all enjoy the convenience of having a secure and easily identifiable online gaming account. As you register to play on Betway, you’re assigned an account number as your unique identifier.

When you join, you’ll get one account number upon registration that you’ll use when playing on Betway. Before we can answer the question, “What is my Betway account number?”, we’ll look at why one’s necessary.

Betway Account Number – Why Is It Necessary?

For starters, as a player on Betway, having a valid account number is very convenient. A Betway account number is necessary for making deposits and withdrawals; payment providers are crucial in fulfilling transactions on Betway and rely on your Betway account number as a reference for your account.

When seeking support at Betway, it’s also necessary to have your account number. This way, support agents can quickly identify your account and troubleshoot. We found seeking help more efficient when we used an account number, even when speaking to support agents over the telephone.

A Betway account number is also necessary for securing your account. Your account number doesn’t change, unlike your email address, and neither can it be compromised. Even when you change your email address, your Betway account number remains the same.

Seeing that your account number is essential to smooth gaming, we’ll explore how you can find your Betway account no.

Where Can I See My Betway Account Number?

Immediately after creating your Betway account, you’re assigned an account number displayed under the welcome note. When you want to see your account number, you only need to log in to your account and check under the customer hub. Here’s an outline of the process:

  1. Enter your email address and password to log in to your Betway account
  2. Click the “customer hub” button to display your information
  3. In the drop-down menu, select “update details” from the options presented
  4. You’ll see your Betway account no displayed here

In most cases, your Betway account number comprises your country code and mobile number. It’s important to remember that your Betway account number is your unique identifier, so you should avoid sharing it unnecessarily with third parties.


We’ve highlighted some of the most common questions about Betway account numbers.

What can I do when I don’t see my account number?

Sometimes when I can’t see my account number, I simply clear my cache and restart my session. The obvious tricks do come in handy at times. If this doesn’t help, you can contact customer support for assistance. They usually respond within 10 seconds via live chat.

Can I change my Betway account number?

No. When you join Betway, you’re assigned a personalised account number based on your region. You’ll keep this number for life. If you close your Betway account and decide to reopen it, you’ll have the same account number. However, you can change your email address, mobile number and home address.

Can I have multiple Betway account numbers?

No. Betway’s terms and conditions stipulate that you can only have one player’s account. Therefore you’re only assigned one account number. If you attempt registering more than one account, you risk being barred from this site for good. Also, avoid sharing your devices with other players to prevent duplicating your IP address.

Javia Alex
Javia Alex is an expert-level Copywriter/Editor with a wealth of experience in the iGaming scene. A self-described player advocate, Javia’s player-first mindset, “tell it like it is”, has earned her an oft-cited voice across gambling circles. She frequently works late nights and long hours, fact-checking reviews and pages for accuracy.